My best half

My best half
Cling to one another

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obey? The great word!

How godless must the church become and disown her savior? Will a remnant arise? When they do, persecution will greet them, and in the name of God. So has it always been. Will she awake and behold the One who bought her? When will she stop abdicating her called-to purity and holiness, one other worldly? The question is fundamental and a profound one. My heart weeps as this generation caves to its besetting sin, sexual sin. But it dives much deeper then lust of the flesh. Pride the opposing force to obedience. Where are the preachers, men of God, to right the ship and shepherd the flock? Alas, many have fallen into the same deception  and call wrong right. Too much of the world's corruption is in the church, and to obey is not a behavior often preached or understood or embraced. For if we were to obey, the world, flesh and the enemy would be denied and Christ enthroned. Sin is not distasteful as it should be, it has been justified by the infusion of secular wisdom which condones it, applauds it!

The world watches as the church is influenced by the world and not the opposite. And the world approves! Surprised? Salt of the earth, light on a hill; these terms no longer apply because the church has too often blended into a godless society. Some say that we should become like the world so we can win the world to Christ. Holy Scripture does not teach this. Rather, "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 1 Cor 6:17. What an profound reference is made from Isaiah; Isaiah 52:11 "Depart, depart, go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the vessels of the LORD." And that is who we are, vessels of the Lord. I am not advocating isolationism. Be in the world but not of the world

Time to return to the most supreme Christ-like behavior, obedience. "Yet this is the one great word that reveals the secret of the perfection of Jesus" G. Campbell Morgan.

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