My best half

My best half
Cling to one another

Sunday, January 29, 2012


"With pitiless pity He refuses to make peace with any evil thing in my nature, in my habit, in my life." GCM 

This is one blessed  reason life can seem so difficult. Christ, as our friend, is relentless in shining His light of holiness  in us. And as long as we cooperate with Him He will persist in forming me a Christ-like character.

My life may go on hardly, internally wrestling between natures, because I am stubborn, unable or unwilling to let go of that which I am asked.  But I also perceive that as one wrestling match ends another is about to begin. And on it goes for I am being made like Christ through the trial of life experienced day-to-day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thoughts on judging

FB Meyer in Our Daily Walk rightly clarifies the verse in Mathew: "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged."
-OUR LORD evidently does not, in these words, condemn that honest judgment which, for our own safety and for the good of society, we are compelled to form of men and women with whom we come in contact. Such judgments are inevitable. But He condemns that censorious and uncharitable judgment which is always finding fault, always neglecting the good and dwelling on the bad, always spreading unfavourable and inaccurate reports, which are often founded on very superficial and insufficient grounds.
A difference is appreciated between righteous and unrighteous judgment. That is a necessary understanding if the Church would return and yield to Divine Government. This reckless relativistic society in which we live is a sad testimony to the misuse of this verse in which it is wrongly thought to say "you cannot judge anything or anybody...that is not loving."

I am admonished  to evaluate my inner thoughts in regards to unrighteous judgement and I would make every thought captive and obedient to Christ. But our Lord, by Who He is, has already set the terms for righteous judgement and has written it throughout the Old and New Covenant. I cannot change that. I can yield to it or be broken by it.
-Christ gives us the infallible test. He suggests that in every age there will be those who care for the fleece more than for the flock, and who come into the fold under a most winsome and bewitching guise. Beware of such people, and judge them, not by their doctrine, but by their fruits. The Devil is the most orthodox theologian in the world: "I know Thee, who Thou art, the Holy One of God." "By their fruits ye shall know them." You cannot judge what a man is by hearing him repeat a creed; but as you observe his character, his disposition, his behaviour; not in public, but in private; not for a day, but for a year, you can come to an almost certain judgment as to whether God or self be the ruling consideration of the inner being.

And Morgan teaches of Malachi who holds accountable the priests of his day who says of them (2:17) "You have wearied the Lord with your words. Wherein have we wearied Him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and He delighteth in them; or. Where is the God of judgment?" What did they mean? "Our God is a God of love; there is no judgment. That man you say is evil, is good, if you only knew it. God delights in him." That is beyond weariness and snuffing; that is treason of the very worst form. That is a countenancing and an excusing of sin. That is an attempt to gloss evil and treat it lightly, as of no importance. When man begins to excuse sin, and to say that it does not matter so much, that God delights in them that do evil, that there is no judgment; then he is committing high treason.

This is a solemn topic, therefore let us not trivialize the things of God and be guilty of diminishing His Government.

Monday, January 9, 2012

For Preaching the Word

Henry H Halley (Halley's Bible Handbook) has made a simple but deeply concerning comment which is not altogether startling- regrettably. "New Testament epistles were written to be READ IN THE CHURCHES [sic], a practice now generally overlooked".
I really don't need to say anymore. How would your congregation respond if the preacher read from the Bible for 1/2 hr or more? I really wonder, and part of me would believe that God would release His Spirit and a reverent quietness and gratitude would be the attitude of the moment. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Rom 10:17)

But truly, listen to the sermons of yesteryear's men of God and hear the Word of God not only read but unfolding right before you. Not so much today.
My challenge to you is to spend some time with godly preachers who spoke and really taught God's Word. See if you are not moved and so to desire a more pure preaching of God's Word.

C. H. Spurgeon
D. L Moody
A. W Tozer
G. Campbell Morgan
Jonathan Edwards

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book of Hebrews

Vicki and I are beginning a study and meditation of the book of Hebrews. The study may move along in herks and jerks but I hope to share some learnings and admonitions we receive along the way. We are not using a study guide, rather we are using resources and references we own. We are excited to explore the book that contains the the "hall of faith." Men and women who acted on the word of God and who did not look back but exemplify what it means to trust and obey (see my previous post on obeying).

Faith does not end when we die!
Heb 11:13  "In faith died all these, not having received the promises, but from afar having seen them, and having been persuaded, and having saluted them, and having confessed that strangers and sojourners they are upon the earth..." 
Rather "the life of faith runs on into the paradise of God" (GC Morgan).
We will continuing "faithing" in eternity and that thought thrills me. God, calling us to obey (an act of faith), is really saying "go ahead, I dare you to believe me, to trust me and see what comes of it!"

What say you?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soul Honesty

Here is the meaning of denying self if one is to become a companion with Christ as He builds and battles. Yes, He builds His church and it is to be a force as it fights the foes of God and man. So, who can He depend upon in this campaign? Those who take up their cross and deny self. As G. Campbell Morgan says, Christ wants "really faithful, consecrated souls far more than patronizing multitudes."  "By the three hundred will I save" we learn in the story of Gideon. A multitude of 32,000 seemingly ready to fight, but only three hundred truly ready to die. These three hundred were committed and they obeyed. These two things are included in those who follow trust and obey. Often the church speaks of trust but precious little is heard of obey because to obey means to deny self, and to obey and deny self is not a popular message today. Yet this is the message Christ used to sift the crowds gathered about Him. To obey leads to sanctification, to obey leads to purity of body, mind and soul, to obey leads you to carry your cross. And after the cross comes resurrection.
     To deny self is the most difficult final step in following Christ. It is a moment-by-moment struggle as well as a singular event to be faced. To quote Morgan again; it is the thing "that must be set right, the friendship that must be dropped, the habit that must be abandoned, the restitution that has to be made, the pride the has to be humbled, the prejudice that has to be crucified."
     So help us God not only to trust and accept His grace and mercy, but to finally obey.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What is to come...

I have to share a completely amazing paragraph from G. Campbell Morgan which provides very provocative food for thought. Spoken sometime around WWI (the war to end all wars) but I cannot help but believe that his observation is coming true today.

Humanity thinks it is able to govern itself. Government of the people by the people for the people is a ghastly failure unless you preface your idea with some other word, or follow it up with some other word. Government of the people by the people for the people under God. Yes, verily. But if we attempt it without God, the last and worst tyranny of the world will not be the tyranny of monarchy or the tyranny of wealth - it will be the tyranny of democracy. A democracy is hell unless it be also a theocracy.

Our country used to believe "under God." But that is just not politically correct any more. We will reap what we sow.

What say you?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obey? The great word!

How godless must the church become and disown her savior? Will a remnant arise? When they do, persecution will greet them, and in the name of God. So has it always been. Will she awake and behold the One who bought her? When will she stop abdicating her called-to purity and holiness, one other worldly? The question is fundamental and a profound one. My heart weeps as this generation caves to its besetting sin, sexual sin. But it dives much deeper then lust of the flesh. Pride the opposing force to obedience. Where are the preachers, men of God, to right the ship and shepherd the flock? Alas, many have fallen into the same deception  and call wrong right. Too much of the world's corruption is in the church, and to obey is not a behavior often preached or understood or embraced. For if we were to obey, the world, flesh and the enemy would be denied and Christ enthroned. Sin is not distasteful as it should be, it has been justified by the infusion of secular wisdom which condones it, applauds it!

The world watches as the church is influenced by the world and not the opposite. And the world approves! Surprised? Salt of the earth, light on a hill; these terms no longer apply because the church has too often blended into a godless society. Some say that we should become like the world so we can win the world to Christ. Holy Scripture does not teach this. Rather, "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 1 Cor 6:17. What an profound reference is made from Isaiah; Isaiah 52:11 "Depart, depart, go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the vessels of the LORD." And that is who we are, vessels of the Lord. I am not advocating isolationism. Be in the world but not of the world

Time to return to the most supreme Christ-like behavior, obedience. "Yet this is the one great word that reveals the secret of the perfection of Jesus" G. Campbell Morgan.